Monday, May 11, 2009

Photos from ultra race in book" Born to Run" by Chris McDougall

I just finished the book Born to Run by Chris McDougall. I've already adjusted my training to incorporate some of the features he mentioned in his book that helped him regain the joy of running injury-free. You can check out my daily training updates at

I found some magical and inspiring photos taken by one of the inaugural runners of the Copper Canyon Ultra and talented ultra runner himself Luis Escobar. His beautiful and respectfully taken photos of the Tarahumara and gringo ultra runners are at

In 2006 Caballo Blanco (aka Micah True) put on a friendly match race with some Tarahumara and some of the most talented ultra marathoners in the world including Scott Jurek. Check out Caballo Blanco's web site for more info about his inspiring and wonderful Copper Canyon Run and Ultra Marathon Race.

Anyway, after Day #1 of my new "Team Tarahumara" inspired training: I feel great! No PF pain today after spending quality time with my kids on Mother's Day by towing them around on their skateboards with me jogging in some old (12 years old?) flat Nike trail runners (instead of my new $135 NB 1223s). I ended up returning the NBs and bought some Brooks Cascadia at our local running shop Inside Track. I don't have the tendon/muscle strength yet to go barefoot or wear the Vibram FiveFinger barefoot running sole protectors worn by Barefoot Ted in the Born to Run book. Not yet...

Have fun running
Love comes first
Less is More




  1. I got your Twitter follow request this afternoon - thanks! I'm almost done with Born to Run myself, and it's been a great read. I bought a pair of Nike Free 3.0's as a way to experiment with the minimalist shoe approach, and I absolutely love them (2 runs in). Probably the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn. Did a 7+ mile run the other day with no problems/pain. Check them out here:

    It's amazing how the book really can make you want to run 50+ miles - I'm in the same boat.

  2. rockett, how's the PF? i now feel personally responsible for the health of your heel! thanks for checking out my book, and i'm happy it seems to have been of help. i'll be in california later this month on book tour, so with luck maybe we'll get a chance to run together.
    much obliged --
    chris mcdougall

  3. Thanks for comments guys! I ended up buying a pair of Scott Jarek inspired Brooks Cascadias after finishing the book Born to Run. So far, I like them a lot. In addition to the new shoes, I've also changed my running gate: smaller steps, higher rotation (when I remember anyway) and less hea/more forefoot landings. I think that helps too. I am so happy. Our local nutty ultra runner Nine Trails 50K/50M was canceled this year so hmmmm...

  4. Truth is beauty
    Beauty is truth
    That is all we really know in life
    And all we need to know.
    May the Raramuri and all of us
    Continue to Run Free..

    Keats and Caballo Blanco

  5. Wonderful words Senior Caballo Blanco. Thank you. I feel honored. In the spirit of less is more...

  6. thanks for keeping me on track to finally read chris mcdougall's book! I've been saying it for too long, but haven't been able to put aside time to do it. I loved the photos at as well. copper canyon looks like an amazing place to run.

    see you down the trail!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
:) A